Benefits of Google Ads Mobile


Mobile Phones

Google Ads Mobile

Every day more and more users are using SEM and Google AdWords to manage their advertising campaigns. In a previous post, we talked about the advantages of working with Google AdWords and explained each and every one of its details so that all our readers know perfectly how the ad network of Google giant works.

To finalize these monographic articles, we will focus on the latter on what they are, how they work, what types exist and what are the advantages of Google AdWords Mobile Ads.

Advantages of Google AdWords Mobile:

The main advantage of working with these ads for mobile (and tablets) is, among others, the great variety and possibilities that are found for it. One of the fundamental points for a successful campaign result is to create an ad that is optimized for mobile devices, which will improve its placement for the rest of the ads.

In addition, the profitability that is obtained from them (PPC Advertising) is much higher than other types of advertising. We can encourage those aspects that we want from a company or particular: improve visits to the website, get more visible through an ad with images or even encourage a phone call. If you want to know all these Google AdWords Mobile services keep reading.

Types of Campaigns

Text Ads:

They are the adaptation of Google text ads but in a different format. They differ, mostly, in that they can be displayed more on a computer monitor than they appear on a smartphone or tablet.

It is essential that it is optimized since, in this way, it will appear in higher positions in the search engine itself. They are composed by title, URL, and text. You can also choose the options of descriptive lines and extensions. The latter is especially important if they are location and call.

Ads with Images on the Display Network:

What to tell that has not already been explained in detail in the previous article on the types of Google AdWords ads. It is an adaptation of this type in computers but on mobiles and tablets. The ads for the first type have smaller dimensions than for the second, so it must be taken into account in the face of optimization.

There are, in turn, different types: interstitial with images (when switching from screen to application or from page to page) and banners with images (strip or poster on the page or screen of an app).

Ads to Promote an Application:

They can be found on the Display Network and Search Networks, web (from Google, of course), Google Play and YouTube, as well as in other Apps. Also, there are two types that exist in terms of their formats: application installation (those that directly include the install button and are redirected to Google Play or App Store) and use of the application (which allow you to open the application directly from the announcement).

Call-only Ads:

This peculiar subtype is more like a contact form in which to include the name of the company, the telephone, a couple of lines of descriptive text and a URL of the company or individual that is advertised. Obviously, its purpose is to encourage calls to this phone.

They are peculiar insofar as they do not encourage the increase of visits to a page (as it happens in the rest of types of announcements), but they serve as a showcase for those who want to publicize a service.

Whatever the type of Google AdWords Mobile campaign you need, trust the experts of SkSolutions; the best logo design company of USA. They are the experts in Online Marketing that will make your ideas become a success.