Introducing A Foster Child To Family – 3 Things You Must Know



There can be nothing more heartbreaking than a child growing up without a family. When children meet circumstance that is beyond their control they get placed in the care of foster families. By becoming a foster carer you can change the life a child for good.

A child has a different set of needs and they can only be addressed by a family. A foster family who is committed to love and care for the child can help him/her feel safe. The family can give the child a safe environment to grow up into a successful and happy individual.

There are many things you should keep in mind when bringing a foster child into your home. Below listed are some of them:

Get Your Family’s Approval:

Make sure the whole family is on board with the decision to foster a child. You must do it together. It might take your extended family some time to adjust. However, talking freely about how you feel and the need to provide foster care would make the process easier. Work closely with the social worker appointed for you. Learn new skills to understand better and cope faster.

According to Lisa Witter from Perpetual Fostering, once carers begin fostering, they create their own individual development plan alongside a social worker. This plan helps to identify the carer’s skills, as well as any skills that need to be strengthened.

Offer Your Own Kids Assurance Whenever They Need It:

If you already have biological kids, assure them that you will be there for them as well. They should understand that there is nothing to be afraid of. Tell them that life can be fun when another kid comes home. Always teach your children the value of sharing. It will bring them great joy and they will accept and love the new member.

As soon as you decide to become a foster carer, make sure you let everybody in the family know about it. The preparation process will take time. Let your children process the news and help them to welcome a foster child into the family. Give your children as much time as they need. Invite them to be a part of your decision. Kids love to be empowered. Seeing your conviction to help out others in need, they will also be eager to help.

Involve You Kids At Every Step:

Involve your children to help you do up the room for your foster child. Older children can also help you prepare something special for the foster child. Ensure that all children feel safe and at home. Planning a welcome activity as a family will bring enthusiasm to your kids and the foster child will surely appreciate the gesture.

It is important for your kids to understand that the foster sibling with whom they might get attached will leave your home one day. Try to make your biological and foster child understand that the bond of family is stronger than physical displacement.