8 Tips for Hiring the Best UK Immigration Lawyer in Pakistan



UK Immigration Lawyer

I would not be surprised when people get confused as to whom & how to hire the best UK visa consultant in Pakistan. Naturally, everyone would want to hire the best immigration lawyer UK for their UK visa application but the question arises whom to choose? I often come across clients whose visa applications have been refused not once but many times. When do I ask them why did they select particular immigration lawyer who has actually destroyed their application? Their response is that for no particular reason they made their selection and as such, they did not know how to evaluate an immigration lawyer.

Best UK Immigration Lawyer in Pakistan

Here are few tips for the readers when selecting the best immigration lawyers the UK. I hope these tips would help the readers in making their selection for the best UK immigration lawyers in their area.

What is The Qualification of Your UK Visa Consultant?

The best UK immigration lawyer must be qualified to advise you on merits of your intended visa application. Do not feel shy to check the profile of the best immigration lawyer UK on the internet as people often search Best Immigration Lawyer near me, Best Immigration Lawyers UK, The best Immigration Lawyers or Best UK Immigration Lawyers. Of course, the UK best immigration lawyers always keep their profile visible online. If not, do not hesitate to ask your lawyer for it.

Is your UK Immigration lawyer up to date with relevant UK Immigration Rules, Immigration Laws, and UK Immigration Policies?

Again, a best UK Immigration Lawyer would update and share information with the audience online on their website. Look up their website and get a feel about their knowledge.

Analyze if the UK Immigration Lawyer has Knowledge and Experience:

The best immigration lawyers UK in Pakistan, who are aware of the procedures and have extensive knowledge and experience of UK visa applications, would make sure that your UK visa application, be it a UK Visit Visa or UK Tier 1 Entrepreneur category, fully complies with the relevant immigration rules. The best immigration lawyer UK should be able to identify weaknesses of your UK visa application at the outset and share with you their honest view point.

Beware of Unreliable UK Immigration Lawyers:

Beware of those UK Immigration Lawyers who without fully knowing your familial, economic and financial ties with Pakistan tell you that you shall 100% get UK visa. This sort of UK immigration lawyers can be less reliable and perhaps are over optimistic.

Specialized in Country Specific UK Visa Application:

UK Visa officers also known as Entry Clearance Officers at the British High Commission or British Embassy are expert in dealing with country specific UK visa applications. For example a UK visa officer deciding UK visa applications for Pakistanis applying for UK visa application from Pakistan would be fully aware of the Home Office country guidance for Pakistan. The best UK immigration lawyers in Pakistan would know about specific country guidance and they would accordingly prepare your UK visa application.

Consider the Time It Takes to Prepare the UK Application Form:

In my experience it could take at least 2 to 3 weeks to prepare a simple UK visa application from Pakistan. At times complex UK visa applications may take a longer time for preparation. Filling out the UK visa application comes in at the end when all other documents are ready. The best UK immigration lawyers in Pakistan know what sort of documentation is required in certain familial, economic and financial circumstances. It is very crucial that you hire expert and best immigration lawyers in Pakistan and pay properly for his or her services. As they say you get monkeys for peanuts. Pay your best immigration lawyer UK handsomely for best value for money.

Read Reviews Online About the UK Immigration Lawyer:

Ask friends and family, read reviews online and visit a few UK immigration lawyers near you. You may find a list of best UK immigration lawyers in Pakistan online by searching best UK immigration lawyers near me, the best immigration lawyers UK in Pakistan, best Immigration Lawyers in Pakistan or best UK  immigration consultants in Pakistan and select from the best of the best UK immigration lawyers in Pakistan. After all you and your intended journey to the UK is important to you. You deserve services of the best immigration lawyer UK.

Beware of Scammers:

Some UK visa consultants offer their services on done basis. Some say they have ties with someone inside the High Commission etc and they would get you 100% UK visa or that they can arrange UK work permit from a UK company. These sorts of UK visa consultants would forge documents for you and even tell lies in your UK visa application. Never ever trust people who are not loyal to you, their profession or as a matter of fact to Pakistan. In my experience you could suffer humiliation and financial loss by making false declarations in your UK visa application.

I hope you have learned good tips to hire best UK immigration lawyers from Pakistan.