Tips To Get Your E-Commerce Site Ready For Voice Search


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E-Commerce Site Ready For Voice Search

E-commerce is all about delivering excellent shopping experiences. The quality of shopping experiences entirely depends on the features that your online store offers. While a clean look, excellent navigation, and intuitive elements have their own part to play, you need to go an extra mile to make your customers happier. This can be done by thinking beyond the ordinary and coming up with something that others don’t have. Voice search is one such element that you can use to enrich your website and make it stand apart. Before talking about implementing this amazing feature as a part of your site, it is important that you know all about it.

Voice Search: The Raging E-commerce Trend

Voice search, as the name suggests, is a feature that enables the user to search for a specific product or service by just speaking the search keywords instead of typing them. With this, searching products on an e-commerce website become hand-free and can be carried out even when the shopper is busy doing something else. What more, it is easier and faster than typing the text manually. These factors make voice search capable of transforming e-shopping experiences and taking them to the next level.

When you talk about the top 10 e-commerce trends of 2018, voice search will be somewhere on the top. It finds a place between the big developments such as Artificial Intelligence, Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, location-based technologies, and more. Amazingly, as many as 20% of mobile queries come as voice searches! Considering the buzz that the voice search is causing, its demand is likely to grow in the near future. As a result, it is essential to gear up your e-commerce website by optimising it for turning up on the top when the potential shoppers come up with specific questions. Let’s help you with the best tips for this.

Tips To Make Your E-commerce Website Voice-Ready

Improve The Site Speed:

Site speed is perhaps the most critical factor that influences the shopping experience that a site delivers. The reason is that online shoppers are an impatient lot and will quickly move over to the next option if the site does not load fast enough. The speed element becomes all the more crucial when it comes to making the site voice-ready. The voice assistant brings relevant answers in seconds, which means that it will pick up your site only if you are available in split seconds.

Focus on Enhancing Mobile Experiences:

Market research has indicated that one out of every five voice searches is done via mobile devices. This means that your website has good chances to turn up in mobile searches and will be accessed on the device if it does. Making it responsive is utterly important because the user will expect an excellent mobile browsing experience when it accesses it through this device. You have to make sure that the navigation is mobile-optimized, products are clearly visible and all the CTA buttons are at the right places so that your site can capitalize on the opportunity.

Anticipate The Search Queries:

When it comes to voice searching, the users are likely to come up with various search queries formed with different permutations and combinations of the search keywords. There is a need to think like the user and anticipate various search queries that they may try to ask while hunting for a website that is similar to yours. The best way to do is to ideate long-tailed keywords as well as question phrases that the users are most likely to ask. Once done, you have to optimize the store for these queries so that Google pulls it up right on the top when the user searches by speaking them. Another important consideration in this context is to use natural language while ideating these queries.

Use Schema Markups:

As already mentioned, voice searches yield results on the basis of information that is readily available. They do not list out multiple keyword-relevant results as Google search does. Therefore, schema markup has to be used to get search engines to easily access your information. With schema markups, you will highlight the most important product details which the searchers would want to know, such as the brand, name, price, size, and stock availability. Known as rich snippets, these elements enable the searchers to find the pieces of information without visiting the site. This factor has a positive impact on their shopping experience and may even influence conversions in the long run.

Optimising your e-commerce website for voice searches requires technical expertise and skill. So you need to have a professional digital marketing partner for this job. This is an expense that you should not cringe at as it will boost your store and push the sales by targeting the voice customers.