How To Make Colanders


Home Decor

 Homemade Colander

A colander is basically a tool that use in a kitchen and without dumping the solids from that container into the sink, it allows you to drain fluids from a pan, pot or other container. It is very easy to find and not so expensive. Though sometimes when you need it so much you may not find it. So luckily a colander is very easy to make with things that you have lye around the house. You can also use colander as a lamp shade. So let’s see how to make a homemade colander.

Some Tools and things you must Collect before Making :-

  1. Pliers
  2. Electrical tape
  3. Wire hanger
  4. Thread, Needle
  5. Thigh high pantyhose.

Now let’s start the Process of making a Colander for your Kitchen:

  1. At first you need to create a loop. For this bend a wire hanger through using pliers pair. It will create a frame for colander.
  2. Now to create a handle use your pliers and pinch it to the close hook of the hanger.
  3. For providing a solid handle and protect hand from heat you must wrap the handle. And for this wrapping use electrical handle.
  4. After that inside the loop put a pair of thigh high pantyhose. And create a net over the wire frame through rolling the open end of the hose.
  5. Now you need to create 6 to 8 inches of the hose that stick out of the bottom frame so for this you try to keep roll the pantyhose over the frame.
  6. Now for you frame finalization its time to swing your pantyhose securely. First around the wire frame loop stitches that keep your hose from tearing away or pulling away from the frame.

Now here is your final colander. You should use it with care. After usage hang it up to dry.

Another usage of Colander is that you can use it Lamp:

Here is the process:

  1. Collect all the supplies like paint, cabling, power drill, a light bulb and a hanging lamp cord.
  2. First of all color your colander as you need for your room decorations.
  3. Now check you light fixing room and drill to your ceiling.
  4. Around upper side of your colander trace a small circle and drill to create a hole that you can easily put the lamp cord through the hole. After that insert the light bulb and make sure your lights are turned off.
  5. You need to purchase an adapter kid that change the light bulb fixture to standard light.
  6. Now your selling has a big opening so while cover up the hole it you may need to decorate it.
  7. After all this you may place cover top of your colander for hiding the cabling.

Once finished switch on the light and see how beautifully you lamp looks. And you will feel really good having a nice own make colander in your room.