How to Clean Concrete Driveway without a Pressure Washer


Home Decor

Clean Concrete Driveway

Say farewell to oil stains, dirt, mud and hi to your new curb appeal in the frontier to your entrance! We have answers for each unattractive wreckage that will fatigue your Concrete Driveway.

Your concrete driveway is normally exposed in such a place which attracts grim, muds and other substances. Each of these substances makes the place unpleasant and grimy to look at. Yet, it is easy to get rid of mud or grime by seep but those oil strains; it is tough to get rid of them. That’s why every property holder sooner or later will need to clean their concrete driveway to relinquish its primeval condition.

There are numerous choices for cleaning your driveway, for example, pressure washer, chemical cleaner or you can utilize any kind of household stuff for those extreme stains. The pressure washer may be the best option you might think. But it takes lots of water to clean your entrance and there exist some people who don’t like to waste such amount of water. Water is very important materials so we shouldn’t waste it.

In this blog post, we will unveil some traditional methods to clean your concrete driveway without a pressure washer. We tested and recommend applying these methods at once every month, get back the unblemished appearance of your driveway and keep any stains from harming the surface.

So let’s start,

Method 1

Clean the oil slicks from vehicles already stopped in the garage. In such case, The University of Michigan prescribes utilizing kitty litter to assimilate the oil strain. Strew the material over the spot from the edges to the center. Now give some time so that kitty litter can absorb all the strain at that point and clear it up. I tested and suggest keeping at least one hour. You can also use cornmeal, baking soda or any kind of natural absorbent. After one hour, clear up the absorbent by using a floor brush.

Method 2

Sweep the driveway and clean the surface. Now haul out any growing leaves between the pieces or breaks. Utilize a floor brush and container to clear up the weeds, leaves and some other flotsam and jetsam present. Now Wash the driveway clean with a hose or a can of water. Give the surface a chance to air dry. It is the most traditional method everyone follows.

Method 3

Pour two jars of room temperature cola on the stain and keep it on the surface for the overnight. In the following morning, blotch the stain with a towel and wash the stain with water. It is best to clean your frontier entrance with a hose so you can apply to control the water pressure. It will also save more water. You can likewise mix the cola into the stain with a hardened brush. In case, you are in hurry or can’t give the cola a chance to sit overnight, at least keep it around an hour prior to you shower the driveway with water.

Method 4

Wash the place with the stain and strew dish-washing cleanser such as detergent powder everywhere. Ensure the zone is totally wrapping with detergent powder. While the powder is perched on the stain, heat up with boiling water. Once the water starts to bubble, pour it over the stain and clean it with a firm bristled brush. Lastly, wash the place with water once you are done.