10 One of A Kind Experiences in Italy


Travel and Tours

One of A Kind Experiences in Italy

Filled with Roman architecture, pretty streets and loving people, Italy is one of the best places if you are planning for a vacation. Italy is a huge place where the people have a lot many places with stunning structural beauties to visit. Italy is a place which cannot be enjoyed in a very short time. The place is well- known for the history it contains in itself. As you pass through the streets and get to know their culture in a better way, you will want to spend more and more time at this place. Hence, it is going to take a little longer to see that you are thoroughly enjoyed the beauty and the scenes of the place. To make your planning easier, there is the travel offers discounts on your expenditure.

Here are a few things which you should not miss trying out in Italy:

1) The Floating City- Venice:

The floating city - Venice

From kids to the Old, everybody would have heard of Venice. It is one of the most beautiful and the prettiest places that man can ever see on Planet Earth. Venice brings together the historic architecture marking the Renaissance period, beautiful scenic views of the water bodies around and the pretty roads that you can walk through. This place was declared as the prettiest and the most beautiful places in the world. In case you are wanting to keep your mind fresh and relaxed, this is the perfect place to visit. Remember not to miss out on the Gondola ride in Venice!

2) Visiting Milan:

Visiting Milan

Milan is a land of fashion and design. This is a place which is a hub of financial stock exchanges. This city has also taken part in the Renaissance period and is a place for many Roman structures as such. This is not a calm and peaceful place but then attracts the people for these busy streets and high standards of living. Make sure that you are going to have a fancy meal as this place is well- known for really good restaurants! Leonardo’s masterpiece ” The Last Supper ” should be on your must-watch list!

3) Florence:


In case you are an art lover, then Florence should be at the top of all your priorities. This place is like a center for exchanging knowledge for people of all age groups. Florence is very much famous for the art from the Renaissance period. The ” Uffizi Art Gallery ” should be given more priority than anything else because the art collection is going to eat away most of the time. This place is a remarkable leftover from the Renaissance period.

4) Vatican City:

Vatican City

One of the smallest yet the most prominent cities all around the world is the Vatican city. This city is a house for the pope and has few of the best structures from all around the world. The world’s largest Basilica, St. Peter’s Basilica is an architecture from this place itself. Vatican city is quite famous for the museums that it houses and also the chapels that are existing. The Vatican Museum is one of the greatest tourist attraction for most people. This place should be made compulsory for the people who love digging into the history and getting to know things as such.

5) Eating Pizza:

Eating Pizza

Pizza is one of the famous dishes all around the world as such. The essence of Pizza is known to everybody. But then, the taste of the pizza made at the original place and that made at other places have a huge difference. Though you might have eaten pizza many times, do not skip on trying out the varieties of Pizza at its birthplace! This will give you the right taste and the essence of the Pizza.

6) The Colosseum:

The Colosseum

The Colosseum is an amphitheater in Italy which is a symbolism of the Roman ruins as well as the struggle that Rome had to go through. This is a representation of the remains of the war and is a great tourist site. This particular structure has got so much history attached to it and is one of the must-visit places in Italy. This amphitheater is now a place for hosting many sports events and a major tourist site in Italy.

7) The Amalfi Coast:

The Amalfi Coast

This is the vast coastline stretching for about 50 kilometers. If you want to relax your back and sleep on the sands, letting the sun rays hit your face, then this is the right choice. This place is one of a kind and provides the comfort to stretch your muscles and help you gain the energy and refresh your mind.

8) The Capri Island:

The Capri Island

Ever seen the sea glow bright blue? This is the place to witness this rare beauty. The Capri Island is famous for its landscape and the scenic beauty. It has got rugged structures which are an amazing sight and feast for the eyes too.

9) The Leaning Tower of Pisa:

The Leaning Tower of Pisa

Being one of the seven wonders of the World, The Leaning Tower of Pisa is an iconic structure. It is truly an amaze for most of the people to see the structure falling but never has it fallen down. This architectural marvel is a must-visit place.

10) Piazza San Marco:

Piazza San Marco

This is the St. Mark’s Square, the most prominent square of Venice. This place brings together different religion and different cultures. If you are willing to celebrate the colors of the human race, then this is the right place.

Italy is a house for many prominent and remarkable place. One should see to it that they thoroughly enjoy their visit and then see to it that they go back. Italy is a place for exchanging knowledge and at the same time enjoying the beauty of the place. Therefore, one should see that they do not miss out on the chance.