Traversing Through Onscreen Horrors – With Best Cable TV


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Traversing Through Onscreen Horrors

Screen Horrors, a genre which encompasses the bulk of terrorizing films and TV shows aired in front of hoodwinked audiences (till date), have a singularly unique influence upon the human psyche. Whereas the psychological impact of the other performance-oriented artistic productions (ranging from such thematic categories as comedy and thriller to mystery and drama etc.) is short-lived and even non-existent (in many cases), horrors intrinsically attempt to evoke a slurry of negative sentiments and emotional states within the minds of their spectators. Many popular exemplars that hail from the said genre indulge in deep-rooted theological issues, and try to prey on the existential crises provoked in an individual faced with the prospect of a pure, undying evil that remains unaffected by the metaphysical forces of good (think the biblical God vs. Satan; Zeus against Hades). Through the many entertaining offerings brought to the fore by a variety of new-age Spectrum TV Packages deals (issued by a seemingly endless number of entertainment & connectivity services providers), it has now become possible to witness the sheer, terrifying prowess of horror movies and TV shows projected onto the screen like never before. With the advent of the latest in HD and Ultra HD resolution technologies, the contemporary cinematic experience (no longer limited to dusty old halls or parking lots) enables viewers to literally step inside the fantastical worlds of the characters depicted within the production, and to actually empathize with their creatively-orchestrated plight.

The Exorcist – A Horror Classic bar none…

Certain horror film and TV show titles, having proven themselves to be in a mesmerizing ‘league of their own’, have managed to beget entire new sub-genres in their own image. Take, for instance, the 1973 classic Hollywood production of The Exorcist; whose reference is enough to invoke a profound feeling of generalized unease in the individuals who may have chanced to watch it. Prior to the emergence of this film, motion-picture producers remained largely careful not to indulge in the religiously-loaded themes of demon possession and witchcraft, as well as introspective discussions on sensitive faith issues – for fear of a public backlash and popular reprisals from faith leaders. The airing of The Exorcist definitively ‘changed the game’ for the horror genre, and pushed its proverbial ‘envelope’ to such an extent that even the revered saintly figures of Mary and John the Baptist (sublime devotion to whom is a cardinal tenet in Catholicism, and a majority of other Christian denominations) did not escape an utter desecration of their persons within its uncensored script.

During the days of its initial screening, many local news stories circulated within the tabloid press; reporting on the widely documented instances of vomiting, fainting and respiratory distress experienced by horrified cinema goers, and even the death (through the onset of a sudden cardiac arrest) of a parish priest. Large-scale riots and protests subsequently emerged in many corners of the world, with a rally-of-condemnation even held in southern India where several incensed practicing Christians demanded the local authorities to ban any public screenings of the film within their province. The Exorcist, along with many other acclaimed horror productions, can be easily streamed through a charter communications Cable TV service plan (all of which typically come equipped with over 10, 000+ preloaded blockbuster movies and TV shows – available for instantaneous playback).

Braving Some of the More Recent Film & TV Productions:

A more recent example of a widely accredited (and feared) horror production is that of The Conjuring (which premiered in the summer of 2013). This said cinematic masterpiece is thematically similar to many of its scary predecessors from within the film arena, like The Blair Witch Project and The Evil Dead – both of which feature a demon/curse-infested house located in a thoroughly deserted ‘woods’ setting that duly becomes inhabited by a group of unwary individuals. As the plots unfold, these people are taken over by a host of malignant otherworldly entities that do not accept their presence within their midst, and through the enactment of all manner of terrifying spectacles and supernatural disturbances, are subjected to several traumatic experiences meant to provoke their rapid exodus from the occupied territory. Oftentimes, only one or a few people are left standing alive at the end of these productions – hinting at commonalities in plot structures that permeate throughout their identical narrative cores.

Horror TV series generally do not command the same levels of viewer engagement and audience interest as 1 to 2-hour filming specimens, but some recent and noteworthy instances have somewhat succeeded in breaking this experiential trend. The critically acclaimed Netflix and SHOWTIME TV shows titled Stranger Things and Penny Dreadful (respectively) have both garnered massive fan followings all over the world, with the millions of internet forums currently buzzing with gossip related to them a fitting testament to their wide-spanning generational appeal. Both the series have been nominated for many different audience awards, and have even won a few of the more prestigious accolades (like the Critic’s Choice Awards; based upon voting preferences). Many different cable phone and internet companies within the United States (with Spectrum being one of the leading instances in this services-oriented category) work in unison with popular film and TV media production houses – and offer their subscribers the opportunity to vote for their favorite multimedia showpieces in internationally broadcasted award shows like the Emmys.

Watching Horrors with a Quality Internet & TV Subscription:

In order to immerse oneself fully in the giddy delights and horrors offered by the latest Hollywood Blockbusters (in whatever televised category), it is absolutely crucial to apply for a quality Cable TV and High-Speed Internet service (from a reputable services provider). Video streaming services like Netflix and Hulu depend, almost innately, on the provision of an uninterrupted and blazing internet transmission for allowing their high-definition content to be aired without any buffering lags. Of the several good options available to resolute entertainment fiends within the U.S, Spectrum’s cable package deals (on account of their stellar affordability, unprecedented area/territorial coverage and customer-approval reports) continue to be the service-packages of choice for practicable use within the country’s contiguous territories – as per the assessment of several leading ISP industry analysts.

Spectrum’s award-winning Spectrum Cable Customer Service come in an assortment of standalone and bundled services plans, and range from the company’s premier Spectrum Internet plan (priced at only $44.99/month) to the high-performance Spectrum Triple Play Gold bundle (priced at $129.97/month). All of the said service vendor’s subscription plans come fully tailored to satisfy the needs of the most demanding of internet, Cable TV and phone consumers.

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