Travel Guide For An Amazing Turkey Holiday


Travel and Tours

Turkey Holiday

A Turkey holiday is the best way for you to take some time off work and enjoy a memorable trip alone or with your family and friends. There is a number ofTurkey cheap tour packages that you can select from to experience the scenic beauty of Turkey within your budget. Turkey is a transcontinental country with its territory divided between Asia and Europe. This country is known for some breathtaking views that mesmerize the tourists. Turkey is also known for the exquisite and rich blend of the Eastern and Western culture, which becomes quite evident once you start exploring the country.

Over the last decade, Turkey has become a leader in spa tourism, beach resort stays, and historical sites, which have boosted the country’s reputation amongst tourists from all parts of the world. According to a survey conducted in 2018, there were 2.655 million tourists who visited the country in the month of April alone. This exhibits the fact that Turkey enjoys an overwhelming global attention for its picturesque landscape, modern-day infrastructure, and breathtaking cultural heritage.

To ensure that you have the best Turkey holiday without missing out on all the special places at an affordable price, here is your guide to all the famous beaches, cultural sites, and cruise trips that you should visit on your next trip to Turkey.

Cappadocia – A Mandatory Stop during your Turkey Holiday


Cappadocia is a vast area of unusual terrain where the tourists are entertained by hot-air balloon trips, presenting them with an astonishing view of the sunrise. This is one of the most popular and mandatory spots to visit while you are in Turkey. The tourists arrive early in the morning and board on the hot-air balloons after being briefed regarding all the important safety protocols. The balloon trip is supervised by an experienced pilot, which makes this thrilling activity completely safe. Once the balloon is high enough, the tourists are then able to see the diversified landscapes that include breathtaking valleys, vineyards and colourful scenery.

Butterfly Valley – The Home of Butterflies

Butterfly Valley

The Butterfly Valley is one of the most frequently visited beaches in Turkey. This beach is home to more than 100 species of butterflies, which is why it is called the Butterfly Valley. The Butterfly Valley has a great variety of trees and plants that add a lot of greenery to the beach in contrast to the beautiful aquamarine colour of the Mediterranean Sea. There are facilities for food, water and tents on the beach for people who want to spend a memorable night at this exquisite facility. You can also go for a hike and climb up to the beautiful waterfall located on the back wall of the canyon.

Patara – The Longest Beach in Turkey


The Patara beach is 11 miles long and it is, therefore, identified as the longest beach in Turkey. This beach is one of the very few spots that are free of any sort of commercial development and it is one of the most peaceful places you will find in Turkey. The Patara beach could be the part of a Turkey cheap tour package because it has astonishing views and local beach cafes that provide umbrellas and sunbeds at very affordable prices. You are guaranteed to have a peaceful and refreshing experience with your family at Patara beach.

Hagia Sophia – A Historical Mosque

Turkey Holiday

If you want some historical stops to be a part of your Turkey holiday, then Hagia Sophia is one of the places you must visit. This iconic piece of architecture is located in Istanbul and is one of the most popular tourist attractions in the country. Hagia Sophia was a Greek Orthodox Church built by the Eastern Roman Emperor Justinian in the 6th century but was converted into an Ottoman Mosque 900 years later. This Mosque is now a museum and has a very detailed and historic interior made by marble pillars and mosaics that line the upper gallery and the enormous dome of the building. Because of its architecture and its structure, the Hagia Sophia is one of the most intriguing places for people to enjoy history and architecture.

Mount Nemrut – UNESCO World Heritage Centre

Mount Nemrut

Another addition to your historical stop for a memorable trip to Turkey could be Mount Nemrut, located on the Arsameia antique road. It was discovered in 1881 and was declared to be the World Heritage Centre by UNESCO in 1987. This spot has statues of several Greek and Persian gods, holding these two sets of cultures together. On this historical destination, you will also witness huge statues of several kings who ruled the kingdom as well as statues of two guardian lions and eagles who represent the sovereignty of the kingdom of Commagene. People interested in architecture are often fascinated by the skills and craftsmanship used to build these statues as it is one of its kind.

The Bosphorus Cruise – A trip to the Waters of Europe and Asia

The Bosphorus Cruise

To complete your eventful Turkey holiday, you must roam the waters of the country for which the Bosphorus cruise is the best. The Bosphorus waterways are significant because they connect the Black Sea with the Mediterranean Sea and also separate the Asian Turkey from the European Turkey. By being a part of the extraordinary journey on the Bosphorus Cruise, you will be able to see several Ottoman palaces, a few institutes and the Bosphorus Bridge itself, which is the bridge between the two continents, Asia and Europe.

The Turkish Bazaars – Everything is Available Here

The Turkish Bazaars

One of the best things about Turkey is that it provides its guests with almost every kind of tourism experience, which also includes several bazaars for travellers who want to explore the culture of Turkey and find some souvenirs. Following are some of the bazaars in Turkey with the special items they have to offer:

  • The Grand Bazaar – it has everything including jewellery, souvenirs, rugs, Turkish tea, and clothes
  • The Egyptian Bazaar – famous for different types of spices and dried fruits
  • Ottomania–famous for being Turkey’s largest retailer of carpets and rugs
  • Sahaflar Carsisi – famous for second-hand and affordable books

The above-mentioned bazaars have been lively attractions for tourists for years as they never cease to offer limitless fun and enjoyment to the travellers from around the world.

Key Takeaways!

Turkey is a country that offers tourists an unforgettable experience on their holiday trips. There are breathtaking views and sights, restaurants for people who love food and want to explore the Turkish cuisines, historical places for those who want to explore the cultural heritage and cruises for people who love the waters. There is almost everything for everyone in Turkey, which makes it one of the most preferred tourist destinations in the world.